Jul 1Liked by Fiona Gibson

Oh god I feel the same re cleaning 🥴, leaving it til it’s ’worth it’, I do this with everything in my life! I’d love a cleaner but feel I’d have to clean before they came 😄

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Oh me too! I really would love one. We did for a time, when all 3 kids were little and the house was chaos. It made a big difference. And I truly believe there's nothing wrong with paying someone to do it. But I can't justify (or afford) it now, as soon it'll be just us 2 in the flat again. At least doing it keeps me fit, I tell myself! x

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Thank you for validating my life choice to clean only when absolutely necessary!!

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It makes sense doesn't it? So much more satisfying... but still not THAT satisfying x

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Jun 28Liked by Fiona Gibson

Haha - so chuffed to read that I am not the only one living in glorious disarray. In our house it's the ironing mountain that irks and the cat that constantly sheds hair, so much so that you'd expect him to be completely bald by now, but he's not.

I tend to go with the "let it build up until it REALLY needs doing method" but it's so disheartening, you do it, turn round and it needs doing again!

Back in the day my good friend Lou used to just dust & polish one noticeable piece of furniture with a strongly scented wax polish if she was expecting visitors - the whole house smelled as though it had just been cleaned - worked every time (unless of course, they were rude enough to run fingers along shelves).

Enjoy your weekend with all your chicks back in the nest!

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Thank you Anne, it's lovely! And I love this 'strong scented polish on one piece of furniture tactic' - clever. Yes - it's amazing how much hair one small domestic animal can shed. Jack didn't shed for the first month he lived with us (from rescue centre). We were extremely smug about having inadvertently chosen a non-shedding dog. Then a month later the entire house was coated in thick drifts of fur. He just didn't seem to shed in January. xx

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Oh enjoy the graduation x

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Thanks Kirsty, it was wonderful! Such fun and of course my eyes were full of wobbly tears the whole ceremony x

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Also, aw, Jack. What a gorgeous fella he was.

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Thanks Wendy - he was, still missed very much xx

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Ha! This is now me when the grandchildren are due to visit. Must Dettox & childproof everything. Like they care! By the time they leave there’s Lego in the lawn and grass clippings in the Shreddies.

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Haha - I love that, the whirlwind of your grandchildren's visits. Please write about it! x

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I will, Fi. Feel like a decades-long writer's block is finally clearing. Looking back is helping me find a way in, but I hope I'll have the confidence to share snippets of the here and now, too. x

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Sounds like there's plenty of material there! x

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Jun 28Liked by Fiona Gibson

Thank you for the welcome window in your world.

“The dog ‘s got fat” 😂😂

I make my own cleaner with white vinegar and essential oil on an attempt to make it more fun. Stick a bay leaf in it to ram the point home that it’s homemade 😂😂

Have a fab weekend, lovely x

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I shall copy your vinegar tip Julie, sounds very wholesome! All I need now is a Cath Kidston pinny! And thank you - hope yours is lovely too xx

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