I love a chuckle over my yogurt and berries!

Why don't men like IKEA? I am yet to find one that does. If I mention going to the big blue store, I may as well be suggesting a couple of hours having root canal treatment! We start off ok. We get there as the store opens so that we can find a car parking place without going round and round. Have a cheap as chips breakfast and then enjoy the room sets...for about 10 minutes and then he loses patience and gets into grumpy mood. By the time we get to the market place and self service, we aren't talking and he mentions the words 'unreasonable behaviour' and 'divorce' !

Fortunately for him, now that we are at the far end of Cornwall our nearest IKEA is two hours away. Thankfully Sainsburys sell tealights!

Enjoy your weekend! x

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You're right - it starts off fine but how quickly the mood sours. I should set a timer. Honestly, this time I thought it was going to be okay! x

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Oct 4Liked by Fiona Gibson

I used to work, briefly, at Ikea, and there are secret-ish doors that connect departments so staff can easily get around. Go mid week, look out for a fast moving staff member, ie not someone staffing a department, and you will suddenly find navigating Ikea to be a whole lot easier!

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Really! Are plans/maps available? Don't tell Jimmy or he'd be round the place without seeing a single item... x

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For some reason, I always have this desire to go against the direction of Ikea arrows, I feel like it's a problem being told which way I should go round a store lol. Besides they probably arrange it to tempt to you to buy things, as you mention! There's a lack of spontaneity and too much order, I just blame my artistic temperament 😂

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Author

I agree, you do feel that some kind of mind control is being exerted. I must be compliant as I just shuffle along obediently, not questioning anything (I realise that sounds worrying) x

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Ha! Enjoy the mattress topper! Last visit to IKEA I came away with a drawing pad for my granddaughter and a packet of - gah! What are they called? Swirly cinnamon roll things. Lucy Sweet’s written about them. You know the ones! Neither of which we’d gone in for. But then ordered a coffee table online once we got home.

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I defy anyone to go in and buy only what they'd gone in for! D'you have one on the island Wendy? Or does it require a ferry trip? x

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Our nearest is just across the water in Southampton, Fi. Requires a bit of effort!

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I hate IKEA. That is all.

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Haha - I hear you. I do understand why it grates

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A great post (and comments) - resonates on so many levels. I once went to an aerobics class 30+ years ago and also left having had no idea what happened. I was absolutely all over the place - my moves in all the wrong directions. The next day I could hardly walk and was hanging onto walls and lurching down the corridors at university. Rumours started and as the day went on people were asking me if I should be back so soon after my “car accident”!

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I shouldn't laugh... but that's so funny. Zumba is utterly terrible, trust me. I was traumatised. Although it sounds as if you'll never be tempted to try... x

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Oct 5Liked by Fiona Gibson

I was so excited the first time I went to IKEA, having no clue AT all how massive the place was. I bought what I wanted and got home tired, but pleased with my purchases, including a pack of Swedish meatballs. The second/third times I went, I thought why am I doing this, it’s exhausting, going around in circles being unable to find tea lights, only to find they were right at the end near the checkout…..I buy everything online now 🙄!

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I don't blame you at all! I need to accumulate a sizeable list to warrant going and I have enough tea lights to see me through to the age of, ooh, about 260... x

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Oct 4Liked by Fiona Gibson

I feel it’s too late to tell you now about the IKEA shortcut between shelves and TV tables and the children’s department

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Oct 4Liked by Fiona Gibson

“As if she’d said, You’ll need to go to Wisconsin for that. ‘We’re not going BACK,’ he announces, shuddering.”


I felt his pain😂😂👌🏼

You’ve made me want to go now. My nearest is Leeds. Hm…..🤷‍♀️😉

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Good luck!! Tbh I don't know why I make him go. It's like a challenge I put myself through, to not lose my rag. It never goes happily. Never! x

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Amazing. I wonder if Glasgow has these maps? Also thinking next time I might park Jimmy in the restaurant 😄

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Re: maps, Autism Plus used to have these cool 'sensory friendly' maps that showed you the shortcuts, but the page infuriatingly no longer exists. Is it a conspiracy? However the Sheffield one remains https://autismplus.co.uk/media/pdf/sensory_friendly_shopping_map_level_02.pdf

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