Funny you should mention about not being the cruising "type". I am actually working on an article about that; more specifically, about the reasons why you might not like a cruise. Although I am referring to ocean cruises rather than river cruises, some of the same reasons do apply.

I'm glad you had a pleasant experience.

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May 24Liked by Fiona Gibson


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Glad you enjoyed Vicki thank you! Few errors I noticed. Holiday brain! X

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Thanks Lucy! Agh the meat legs - swollen bites with weeping sticky middles, lovely. They love me too. Am often a weeping mess. On happier note I think puffy style eye may have peaked and stabilised! X

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Haha the Parisian pile cream! Honestly, Paris and constipation go hand in hand (I blame the baguettes.) I’ve also developed a mosquito bite allergy in recent years so I now associate holidays with the pharmacy, antibiotics and swollen meat legs. Have an ace time with Wendy - there’s nothing better than a press trip 😍

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Thanks Lucy! Agh the meat legs - swollen bites with weeping sticky middles, lovely. They love me too. Am often a weeping mess. On happier note I think puffy style eye may have peaked and stabilised! X

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