that open day was total chaos! a carnaby street road block. the big draw being (apart from us gorgeous, groovy staffers, of course) the very young Pip Schofield. I also remember a keen Australian PR coming to J17 reception with her hot, down-under rock star client in tow, and demanding that one of us interviewed him on the spot. It was Michael Hutchence!

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I'd forgotten that! But I have a hazy memory of a bunch of us being alerted to the fact that Mickey Rourke was in the vicinity, and haring after him down Carnaby Street... and trying to throw jelly beans into your mouth from our second floor office window, as you stood in the street!

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Love this so much! Oh the glory days of magazines.

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Thanks Sam! So enjoyed writing it! x

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yes - although i think my chosen oral olympic discipline was grape catching, not jelly beans.

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I also remember you showing early promise as a world class artist by drawing a detailed illustration of the right and wrong ways to hang a loo roll. (Leading edge of paper to the front - correct. Hanging down at the rear. Incorrect) I still think about this artwork pretty much every time I enter an unknown WC and tend to make terrible judgement on its owner if said Andrex or Cushelle coil is not positioned according to F. Gibson's law.

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I've only just spotted this Simon! I have no recollection... assume this must have appeared on the letters page? Glad it's imprinted on your brain!

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Fiona Gibson

Oh I loved this Fiona. You really evoke the times so well. I can just see you in your office with all your freebies. How wonderful ❤️

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Thanks Julie, glad you enjoyed! Mind you, I bet the staff of Caged & Aviary Birds had even better freebies... x

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Mar 14Liked by Fiona Gibson

Sprig of millet v lipstick…..

It’s a tough choice….🤷‍♀️😂

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Hi Fiona! Did you edit Minx too?

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Hi Kate! No, that was the illustrious Toni Rogers!

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Sorry for confusing you illustrious ladies xx

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Mar 9Liked by Fiona Gibson

Bloody love this!! God, the luxury of cafe toast! 🍞 🤣

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Thanks Naomi! I can still taste it! So lukewarm, so bendy, so good! x

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Oh i loved just seventeen! Never had the tshirt though :-( but I can remember the smell of shockwaves hairspray x

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Me too! It was definitely the decade of the hair product! x

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Mar 9Liked by Fiona Gibson

Love this. Can’t imagine you in a brown cardigan though! I remember seeing that first issue of Just Seventeen with the iconic boxing gloves cover, and thinking ‘wow - that’s the best cover I have ever seen. ‘

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Yes - what a cover. Features in Ian Birch's book on iconic magazine covers! x

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#ICON I did everything you said.

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Glory days. Loved that office so much! x

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Mar 8Liked by Fiona Gibson

SO love this piece! The thrill of getting my copy of Just Seventeen!

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Thank you Vicki, glad you enjoyed the spin back to the 80s! x

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Mar 8Liked by Fiona Gibson

I was also obsessed by comics and magazines like Twinkle, Misty, Blue Jeans and Jackie. I was 15 when Just Seventeen came out and it blew my mind! I was so excited by everything in it and of course I had the t shirt. I also remember knitting a short, boxy style jumper with a pattern from J17.

Happy memories....

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Ah yes I'd forgotten about the knitting patterns! And the customising clothes features devised by Cath 'Cheap Tricks' Murphy! x

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Time seemed to be endless between issues – Just Seventeen changed my life – I knew I wanted to work in teen mags. You were such a funny, fab and inspirational editor. Thanks for the wander down memory lane. I couldn't believe my luck when I finally hit London and did some subbing shifts for Just Seventeen. It was a dream come true and I will adore those times forever. Love hearing all about those days (the beauty cupboard!!!!!) Keep these mag stories coming please! x

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Thank you Leslie! Such great times. And yes, the beauty cupboard was a thing of wonder. We really didn't know how lucky we were! x

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I loved Just Seventeen so much. I even used to take a peep of my sister’s copy when I was well into my twenties. Hard to believe I’d get to work there too for a little while although I would have loved to have seen the mythical Carnaby St offices. Keep the mag recollections coming - they are fab. Such happy days

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Thanks so much Tammy! They were such great times. And such great friendships formed too! xx

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I remember you arriving in your brown cardigan on your first day! And the rest is history! Wonderful snapshot of fun times and a great magazine.

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Thanks Wendy, I hope you'd enjoy - and of course it was YOU whizzing off to interview Tom Cruise in Venice! Of course the very best thing is that many of us are still friends, 40 (gulp) years on xx

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Hamburg, actually - not quite as exotic as Venice, but still! Going abroad to interview stars! What a lark. I will look out your Robert Smith beauty tips and put it on the Just Seventeen fb page. Classic!

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Ah, Hamburg! I'd love to see the Robert Smith piece. I envy you archives! x

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Posted it on the Just Seventeen fb page, Fi, and tagged you. He was a good sport, wasn’t he?! Lovely interview.

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Thanks so much Wendy! He was lovely - an adorable man!

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