Here is a suggestion for a remedy for an advance state of procrastination. Not found on the NHS I am afraid you will have to go privately.

1. Chef

2. Cleaner (not young fit and male to cause loss of attention.)

3. Solitude.

Take as many times a day as necessary until malady miraculously disappears.

Good luck - you will get there! Xx

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Ha - I like your prescription! Shall order in, immediately. And thank you! x

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I couldn’t help but notice, you wrote this post, instead of cracking on with your novel.

Well played! 👏👏👏👏👏

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Very astute of you! I did wonder if that would be noticed! x

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I had been deeply ashamed of our cutlery drawer's capacity to attract disgusting bits. Now I feel reassured that we are not alone - thank you! Thanks also for the rearranging the potatoes tip - I hadn't thought of doing that yet. I'll look forward to doing that next time I have a pressing deadline.

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Haha - and then you can move on to washing out the gunky receptacle that hold toothbrushes etc x

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Right there with ya. I have a book manuscript due at the end of this month... so of course I just bought a new guitar!

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Which will need lovingly setting up and getting to know, etc! But far more worthwhile I feel than mopping the kitchen floor...

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Aww I'm with ya!! My editor sent back my entire manuscript the first week of November. I told myself that I was going to take some time and get through the busy holiday season before I started on the revisions/edits. But here we are February 2nd and I haven't even started. Ugh!!

I believe I'm suffering from a bad case of procrastination as well. xx

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When it comes to revisions I think that's perfectly understandable! Good luck! (And how good you'll feel when it's done... as I keep reminding myself) x

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I see the words "My deadline's approaching" and think "too right missus, 80 last birthday and it's approaching a bit too quickly for my liking!" Then I read on.............and Ahh - you're talking about the writing of books, not man's mortality - Phew - my mistake :)

And on I read and am overjoyed to see my favourite word mentioned. not once, not twice but THREE times. Procrastination!

Now I have to tell you that I am the self proclaimed Queen of Procrastination in my little patch of the world. I'm not lazy you understand, I just have an aversion to most things domestic. Housework - what is the point of it? You do it, turn around and it needs doing again - it's like Groundhog Day. over & over......................So - I procrastinate.

I read books (you & your ilk are much appreciated for this one), I play a Mahjong game on my laptop, I scroll through FB and comment on posts, I do crosswords, I do sudoku puzzles, I read books. It all changes come Spring - out in the garden I go - lots to do out there and so much preferable to housework.

It amuses me that your forms of procrastination seem to be the exact opposite of mine - you fill your time doing the things that I do my best to avoid. The universe has got things a bit wrong there don't you think? ;))

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This made me laugh, reminded me of exam time. I once came home to my Uni flatmate painting the kitchen instead of studying! x

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