Aug 2Liked by Fiona Gibson

Don't feel bad about the McManus, Fiona. I'm ashamed to say I worked in Dundee for 13 years and never visited the McManus once in that time. Now I'm retired and have moved back to the area, I've been several times. It's a great place to while away a few hours 😀

Fiona x

PS the Jute museum is still on my 'must visit' list too!

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I'm glad to hear Fiona! If I moved back, I'd never be out of the place! x

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Aug 8Liked by Fiona Gibson

I totally get this. Manchester was my teen haunt and for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I visited the John Rylands library which is an exquisite gothic building. Can’t believe I’d never been inside before. Maybe as we age we start to appreciate old buildings with a weird empathy, perhaps appreciating them is a projection, in that we hope others will appreciate us too, all we hold that might have been missed, all we have endured…...

Or maybe we just have more time on our hands.

Age is both new filter and microscope, that’s for sure.

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You're so right - I won't even start on how I lived in London all through my twenties and never went to the V&A... but then priorities were different. It was all about grabbing fun where you could and rushing through life. We think we don't change much... but maybe we do! x

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Aug 2Liked by Fiona Gibson

Last summer I spent three weeks in Savannah in the States, and in the third week I finally clicked... that I had been there before. News to me!

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Oh that is brilliant! x

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Aug 2Liked by Fiona Gibson

Oh that is too funny. Tell Jimmy I can vouch for you that NONE of this things were there. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I don't know where the Spud U Like was though. I was a big fan of Spud U Like. But what a brilliant guide to new fangled not- as- we - knew-it Dundee. How could it be that cultured people like ourselves worked right next to the McManus and didn't give a jot about it. But there was a good pub over the road from it, wasn't there? And did you show him where The Barracuda (said in a Dundee accent) night club was? Where was it again? And the shop where we got a bacon buttie after legging down the Viccie Road to get to work on time (total travel time to work from flat : 3 mins, at as near to an Olympic pace as could be mustered, whilst wearing a poncho and platform wedges). Ah the good old days - and hurrah for such a characterful interesting quirky city!

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Yes I still love it Wendy! We thought of you - of course we did, you'd recommended the chippie - and drove through Dairsie on way home! Spud-U-Like was on main shopping street - Nethergate is it called? Dinnae ask me! Oh yes the Barracuda - went there a few times, no idea where it was. Likewise Da Vinci's and Fat Sam's. A complete mystery. I did however find the Caird Hall - but it's visible from outer space xx

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Aug 2Liked by Fiona Gibson

I need a Scotland fix! Xx

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Brilliant! We notice different things now compared to back in our 20s! Some things are new but some things never even registered on my eye line before lol x

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It's so funny - I mean the McManus - it's famous! What a drunken fool I was! x

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aye but it was it fun being a drunken fool ;-)

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